Open clan fight LF vs. ASK

LF vs. ASK - round 2 (source: Sauerbraten)

The WoP clans LF and ASK hold an open clan fight event with the support of free members from the [PAD]Community and finally here are the results.

  • Round 1: Team Free For All (InstaPad) on Harm’s Huette –> L|F won 200 to 147
  • Round 2: Capture The Lolly on ENTE’s PadAsia –> L|F won 10 to 1
  • Round 3: Spray Your Color Team on ENTE’s PadKitchen –> L|F won 510 to 370
  • Round 4: Team Free For All on ENTE’s PadLibrary –> L|F won 200 to 148

It looks like LF significantly dominated all the matches. Poison was able to capture some videos of the spectacle: Round 1 | Round 2 (1) | Round 2 (2) | Round 2 (3) | Round 2 (4) | Round 2 (5) | Round 3 (1). Furthermore Sauerbraten made a whole bunch of screenshots, which you can have a look at in the galleries below. We hope to see such community events coming up more often. Thumbs up for this.

Pictures of round 1:


Pictures of round 2:


Pictures of round 3:


Pictures of round 4: