Here you can find all files of World of Padman – The Colorful Evolution (WoP 1.5/1.6) sorted chronologically descending. Please note that the contents offered here are property of the respective authors and therefore subject to copyright. You can usually find more information in the enclosed README file.
WoP 1.6.2 full and patch release
With WoP 1.6.2, another and this time really the last maintenance release for the Colorful Evolution has been released much faster than expected. It was released as a full version and as a patch, each as a unified zip. In this case, time was also found to finally create a Windows installer for the full version, but only for the 64bit version. The patch requires at least the full version of WoP 1.5, as all previously released updates are already included.
(Released: 28.11.2021 | MD5: 9583EF3488BFA694A6DC9FCE86307D33 | SHA-1: A07C16B0EC271F35136B4F4F123C8E45E55B8216)
(Released: 28.11.2021 | MD5: BFC24BBE7C043E127CD227C86D327D10 | SHA-1: C80BBA2CB58A85953C42B9CFFC1A9C324005BF1D)
(Released: 28.11.2021 | MD5: 3961C74EDD573B287522AFCE55D523A1 | SHA-1: 958806B07894951185B4DD53C27346159AAC58F4)
WoP 1.6.1 full and patch release
With WoP 1.6.1 as a maintenance release, the first update for World of Padman appeared after almost 10 years. Besides some bug fixes, it finally brings support for the 64bit versions of the three operating systems Windows, Linux and MacOS as well as a current version of the ioquake3 engine. It was released as a full version and as a patch, each in the form of a unified zip. The patch requires at least the WoP 1.5 full version, as all previously released updates are already included.
(Released: 06.11.2021 | MD5: 17F478422ACDADCDFF1F2E56F5373F77 | SHA-1: 99E3692D4507D1D5C17EA085E8A9C1A97347CACC)
(Released: 06.11.2021 | MD5: B72DC2FF18FFE093E8D1292313AFAD9C | SHA-1: D102E2611139077DC26A68B1258C5E15DA3B4604)
WoP 1.6 patch release
This is the WoP 1.6 patch, which brings bugfixes, many new sounds, a new map and alternative skins for PaddyBell. This patch requires at least the WoP 1.5 full release, as all previously released hotfixes are already included.
(Released: 16.12.2011 | MD5: 86AB95804EC6B1F0C81078F083C0FCDA | SHA-1: BC83939F1991A5EDB3329D35C028A9F54227F3D4)
WoP Hotfix
The WoP hotfix for Linux is only listed here for the sake of completeness, because it is already included in the WoP 1.6 patch. It was necessary at that time to eliminate a serious security vulnerability with Linux.
(Released: 29.07.2011 | MD5: 1BC6DB1482184307C0C015C85C90DBE3 | SHA-1: 85A118FACAE68ED1CAE5E7C000865DF4CC1F80FE)
WoP 1.5.1 Hotfix
The WoP 1.5.1 hotfix for Windows and Linux is listed here only for the sake of completeness, because it is already included in the WoP 1.6 patch. It was necessary at the time to fix critical bugs that also caused regular server crashes.
(Released: 24.01.2011 | MD5: E7E300A6229A167573CCC370A8CC478E | SHA-1: F03E0DBCBA870523580462DAE488AD1A2A2256F6B)
WoP 1.5 full release
This is the initial release of World of Padman – The Colorful Evolution, which was first released with a unified ZIP for Windows and Linux and also with a Windows installer. A little later there was also a release for MacOS, which already included the WoP 1.5.1 hotfix.
(Released: 24.01.2011 | MD5: 201DE777B64A75DE1F2F518552307EB7 | SHA-1: 3520139967987DC170D1BCF5616A6237BA82FFEC)
(Released: 28.12.2010 | MD5: 8871AFFC2A36F23AA22044454C834923 | SHA-1: FF3B24E7067DEE9863E83FEF19807899530F7445)
(Released: 28.12.2010 | MD5: BE22BC9B42F44C0A82DD332F1FBA5360 | SHA-1: FFA815DB6EC145EB67523377BD378FBDBE266305)