MushroomGarden is a map from 2008 that was originally created by Nestel34. It is a rather small map with two larger rooms and a connecting corridor that is supposed to represent a garden. A few map objects were simply placed here and there, weapons and items were completely missing. It is very simple and attracted a lot of attention in the [PAD]community back then because of the many colorful mushrooms. In short: WoP on drugs!
Liorlevi99 got hold of the map again and since Nestel34 couldn’t find the original map file due to a hard disk crash, he got permission from him to recreate this map. Liorlevi99 has meticulously kept to the original layout, but has recreated the mushroom model in higher quality and placed health stations, weapons and items in the map. Some of them can only be reached by jumping over the particularly glowing mushrooms. A few more spawn points have also been added. So the map is now suitable for a crazy 1vs1 or FFA match, with a maximum of a handful of players.
- Author: Liorlevi99
- Credits: Neste34
- Game modes: FFA
- Bots: Fully supported
- Compatibility: WoP 1.5 and newer
- Date: October 5th, 2021
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