The WoP pictures of the week from the year 2020.
Image sources
- Pic of the Week 2020 #52: Ben
- Pic of the Week 2020 #51: Adri{HUN}
- Pic of the Week 2020 #50: Ben the PadKing
- Pic of the Week 2020 #49: Macho Pig
- Pic of the Week 2020 #47: Macho Pig
- Pic of the Week 2020 #44: Adri{HUN}
- Pic of the Week 2020 #43: Macho Pig
- Pic of the Week 2020 #39: Adri{HUN}
- Pic of the Week 2020 #38: Macho Pig
- Pic of the Week 2020 #37: Adri{HUN}
- Pic of the Week 2020 #36: Ben
- Pic of the Week 2020 #30: Ben the PadKing
- Pic of the Week 2020 #24: Hectic
- Pic of the Week 2020 #23: 3aTmE!
- Pic of the Week 2020 #21: Ben
- Pic of the Week 2020 #20: Kai-Li
- Pic of the Week 2020 #15: Adri{HUN}
- Pic of the Week 2020 #14: Ben
- Pic of the Week 2020 #09: Adri{HuN}
- Pic of the Week 2020 #07: Ben
- Pic of the Week 2020 #05: Phobos
- Pic of the Week 2020 #03: me!