

Catalog: map objects

The following list should help you to get an overview about the map objects used in World of Padman, which are located in the directory /models/mapobjects/. You can find additional information about the topic in the tutorial Handling map objects. raven_sitting_1 Model author: doomdragon Skin author: doomdragon Polygon count: ??? Path: models/mapobjects/animated/raven_sitting_1.MD3 Keys: animationStart 0; […]

Catalog: sound effects

The following list should give you a brief overview of the existing sound effects in World of Padman. However, these are just the sound effects in the OGG format, which have been newly added with WoP 1.6 and replace old sound effects in WAV format. We have revised the filing structure, because the new sound […]


Catalog: environment boxes

The following list should help you to get an overview about the environment boxes used in World of Padman, which are located in the directory ./env/. The textures located there are often linked by shader entries to appear in the texture folders of the maps in the Radiant, where the environment boxes are used then. […]