Articles by Harmonieman

eSport school championship News

WoP as the first ego shooter at school championships

We have already mentioned that World of Padman is “rated 12+” now by the German USK, but why the whole thing? Simply because the shooter should be considered at the upcoming 5th eSport School Championship (German only) and is thus the first shooter ever, which is played at these championships. The German Games School Championship […]

Community advent calendar – door 6

Today is Saint Nicholas Day and we want to present you our new game type Capture The Lolly, even if the video is short. The shown video was created aprrox. two months ago and is also showing the new map PadCloister and a new powerup. Happy Saint Nicholas Day! Watch this video on YouTube  

Community advent calendar – door 5

Today it is not only the fifth day to open a door in the advent calendar, it is also the second advent. And that is why we have a special video for you out there, introducing PadRa, a new skin and head model for Padman. With this new style all the Egypt lovers will be […]

Finally a new coder joined the team

PadWorld Entertainment is slowly waking up from hibernation and WoP 2.0 development gathered some momentum lately. We are not yet going full speed, but at least we are yawning and stretching. This is mainly due to the latest member that joined the team, who is currently settling in and started on some UI tasks already. […]

We got a new forum

Word on WoP 2.0 is still very low, but we always keep the community and the things beside the development on the game in mind and that is why we have worked on the forum. This is an all new board, based on new board-software. There are multiple reasons for this change, but security issues […]

PadKing by doomdragon News

Hail to the king!

The “Pic of the Week” led to a fun guessing game, but unfortunately no one recognized which Pad was depicted in it. What it would have taken to identify him was taking a closer look at the PadCastle map, since it features a statue this model is based on. So today we are able to […]

PadWorld Entertainment News

Searching a coder and a status update

So, what is happening behind closed doors in the WoP labs and who is still working on it anyway? These questions come up in the community and we do not want to leave them unanswered. Also, there is demand for more news but we do not want to announce any new features yet because some […]

Smokin' Guns released News

Wild Wild West

Aside from WoP there are, of course, other projects utilizing the Quake 3 engine to create their own stand alone game. A long time news partnership connects us to the former mod Western Quake 3 in particular, hence we would like to take this opportunity to advert to it once more. Those guys did in […]

PadPunk News

PadPunk enters the stage

The World of Padman is different: funny, colourful and … hey, well just different! That is exactly what the newest resident of our colourful PadWorld also wants to be. He wants to stand out from the crowd. Guess who fits the part, it is the rebel PadPunk. But even if he tries to be different, […]