

Compiling WoP with CMake in VS Code

In this tutorial I want to show you how to compile World of Padman completely or parts of it yourself, so you can make changes to the source code for your own modifications or support us directly in fixing bugs. You will need some software, but you can download it for free from the internet. […]


Create and release a PK3 file

In this tutorial, I would like to show you how you can assemble the content you have created for World of Padman in a PK3 file and publish it for the [PAD]Community. A PK3 file is basically nothing more than a ZIP archive file whose file suffix has been renamed to PK3. This nomenclature was […]

Music pack cover in-game view Other

Create a music pack

In this tutorial I would like to show you how to add your own music to the internal jukebox of World of Padman. So if you are a music artist or if you have a band, why not creating a custom music pack for World of Padman to spread your music all over the [PAD]Community. […]

Create a dedicated WoP server

This tutorial will show you how to create a dedicated server for World of Padman and everything you need to know about a basic setup, necessary files, useful commands and variables. This tutorial may be a bit more extensive than you are used to. General information about servers First of all, this tutorial is targeted […]

Start modding World of Padman

This tutorial will show you where to get required files and how to create a basic mod for World of Padman. This is a very basic tutorial and should also only give you a first orientation regarding the source code and its concept. Preface Before you consider starting a mod, you need a few things. […]