It is advent season and every day we open another virtual door for you. Today you can find behind the 10th door again two alternative skins for ENTE’s Padman. Hellpad directly comes from hell and puts on some fire. This skin was created by Shocker with a lot of attention to detail. It was a clan skin for the team Quakerzone back in the days and was released on November 23rd, 2000. Bad Style Padman, aka. BSPad, was created by our PadMember GlowStar and has some serious problems in selecting his clothes in the morning. At least for us it appears like this. This skin was a contribution to the legendary Padman skin contest back in the days and was released on May 28th, 2001.
Hellpad directly comes from hell and puts on some fire. Hellpad is an alternative skin…
Bad Style Padman, also known as BSPad, has some serious problems in selecting his clothes…
More such PadFiles you will find on our download page for Quake 3 Arena in the upcoming days. There you can find also instructions for installation.