PadSecret section revised

Aquarius was so nice as to work on the PadSecret section on our website. Now finally the missing maps like PadLibrary, PadGallery or PadCastle have been added. Whoever still does not know all secrets of the WoP maps or if you are too lazy to find them yourself, you should really click the PadSecrets button […]

Your favourite map is …

That is it, you have voted your favourite WoP maps and thus put two victors on the winner’s rostrum. PadGarden and PadKitchen fought their way to the top with the same number of points and seem to be your favourite Lilliputian maps. Actually, that should give ENTE something to think about, he could not top […]

Kai’s Trash-Can

Wow, we were a bit surprised when we saw the newest screenshots of Kai’s trash can map. Our PadForum visitors are surely up-to-date in these matters already. We want to present four nice screenshots for all those who have not found their way to the PadForum yet, of course hoping that you will have a […]

PadKitchen again – now in red

Whew, ENTE had no internet connection for four weeks, so unfortunately he could not keep the page up-to-date, sorry. But he will see what he can gather for the news in the next few days. Some things have happened, though not as much as he have hoped. 🙁 We will begin with PadKitchen, because ENTE […]

PadKitchen by ENTE News

Small progress report

The work on the stand alone WoP version is progressing nicely. The mappers are currently replacing all the Quake 3 textures and are redesigning some aspects of the maps. ENTE retextured major parts of PadKitchen. You can see the new version on the screenshots at the bottom of this news entry. Meanwhile our coder raute […]

The new PadForum has arrived!

It took a while but we finally have a new PadForum. There are still some things that need to be fixed, like the colors, but you can start posting there right away. 😎 Currently there are two PadForums, one in English and one in German. There is also a Padman forum (Fun Discussion), but we […]

oregano4's FireEngine News

New maps in development

There are currently three very promising maps in development and it is time to give you a small sneak peek. The first map will be created by Kai. He is not only a passionate drummer at the band das -boerge- (they provided the latest WoP music pack), but he is also a mapper. His map […]

acid – the new man in the team

We have a new member in the PadTeam. It is acid. He already created some great Quake 3 maps and he will be helping to create a cell shading map for the single player mode of the stand alone WoP version. Due to his experience with the cell shading technique, he is a great enrichment […]

Your favourite weapon is …

OK, you have voted and the BUBBLE G. is your favourite weapon. In combination with the PadPower it seems to be the heaviest gun and for color lovers it is a must have. The BOASTER is disliked by many people, and I can understand it. It is really hard to aim and hit! But if […]