Since the WoP Online League (which is hosted by Marxer ) is regularly organizing clan matches, there have been more and more clans on the online servers. They are trying to climb up the league’s ladder. But first of all: what is a clan? A clan is a fusion of players, that mess with other clans in competitions. In bigger events there are even prices to win or in wop they just fight for honour and the fun! How to get in such a WoP clan? The first contact points are the websites of the incumbent clans, on most of those pages you can find a “join-us” button or a forum with a thread especially for applications. Most of the members can be met in game and they are certainly available for you.
Now here is an overview, which clans are making the coloured comic world a little bit more colourful and showing Padman & Co. and their rivals what they can.
First there would be the current clancup champion, “Chaos Legion” (CL). Under the lead of Chaosblubbel and Probowser, they won the last “normal clan cup”. On their website you can discover more about them. An arch-rival and exactly behind them on the list there is the “Sonder-Eliminierungs-Kommando” (SEK). These two clans had fought against each other in the last clan cup final. Also there is the “WWF” clan that was in the last InstaGib final against SEK. They are always searching for active members to compete against the “Loons”, “ADS” or “Pad Elite” for a exciting match up.
So, what are you waiting for? Join a clan or start one of your own! 😉 For the actual status of the clan cups you can find it here (link is broken) on the WOL homepage, or in the WOL forum.