I received an e-mail today, in which Maze pointed out to me that today something about the PadMod should be reported on NBC GIGA, as this was announced yesterday. Who expects the mod in action now, unfortunately I have to disappoint. Since nothing was sent to GIGA from our site, I think that the mod will find a short mention and that maybe one or two screenshots will be shown. More should not really be in it. 😉
Anyway, we did not know anything about it ourselves, but after looking around on GIGA.de, I discovered two nice articles written by Budi. (The articles can not be found any more, sorry). Because of these articles, I contacted GIGA, or better Budi, once again. Well, and it looks like there still seems to be interest in a presentation of the PadMod, which of course makes us very happy. We will keep you up to date. 😉
Our thanks go to Budi and Maze for the info.
Update: Well, I’ve get involved in the show today, but the PadMod was not featured. Well, maybe sometime next time. 😉