Dear friends of World of Padman, we wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a few peaceful days until the New Year! Celebrate in a small circle and stay healthy!

Merry Christmas!
The year 2020 was an extraordinary one for us, because ENTE’s PadMaps turned 20 years old and therefore there was a lot of WoP news about it. It was important for us to take you on this journey through time, to show you how everything started back then. But not only the PadMaps, but also the PADAMAN player model turned 20 years old. You can read all about it in our WoP story, which we will continue to expand with more pages in the future. Thanks to Chavez from the Haus Enten, there is a Quake3 server “PadHouse | 20th PadMaps Anniversary” with the old PadMaps and the PADMAN model with a few additional skins, where you can relive all this. A few more maps and Padman skins will be added there in 2021 as well. Thanks to ENTE we were also able to put a large part of the pictures from the old WoP-News back here on the website and provide some of the still missing downloads, even if not all of them.
The Paddays have become an important ritual for many in the [PAD]Community again. Even though they unfortunately only take place once a month, the anticipation is always great and the wait is worth it. We will continue to hold our monthly meetings in 2021. At this point, we would like to thank Hectic once again for providing and maintaining the PadWorld server. Thanks to nab622 and the adaptation of the ParaTracker for World of Padman, you can now also keep an eye on all WoP server directly on our website again. It’s amazing, but our [PAD]Community on our Discord server has now grown to more than 140 members, including some of the old hands from the good old PadForum. The community is more active than ever, people are tinkering with maps and creating fan art again. MachoPig surprised us with his WoP Advent calendar, which you can now download in its entirety from our website after we were allowed to open the last door together with you today. There was certainly a lot of work behind it!
Thanks to you, World of Padman has made it into the Top 100 Indie Games on IndieDB again this year. We are very happy to be represented there for three years in a row after our last listing in 2011. Finally, we would like to announce our next community event. On January 17th, 2021, probably at 8 p.m. (CET), we want to organise a clan fight. Here you will have the opportunity to represent the [PAD]Community and compete in a team against the House of Ducks. The game will be World of Padman, of course. If you want to participate, please leave us a message on the Discord server or in the [Pad]Community forum! Please register bindingly, as the number of spots is limited. See you soon!
Image sources
- XMAS 2020: MachoPig