Players of the old PadGallery know that it had a few pretty pictures, which melted that hearts of men. Like it was in the last version of the sweet Jennifer Love Hewitt, which inspired ENTE to devote her a whole area of the map. However, as World of Padman is now a stand-alone game, some in the team think that this is no longer possible with respect to certain copyright issues. In order to avoid that annoyance, ENTE had to consider something else to use. He came upon the idea of a search for an attractive model, who would be willing to publish their photos in the PadGallery.
With his search ENTE discovered a model card index, in which are over 100 different models indexed before he found the face he wanted in the new PadGallery; her name … Lara Baumann. ENTE was convinced, that Lara would fit perfectly into the map because of her appearance and diversity. He wrote a long and detailed email to Lara (what a suitable name for our game world), in which he asked for permission to use the photos. The answer, not only came immediately, but it offered a surprise, because Lara not only give her OK, she confessed also that she is a passionate gamer too 😉
But there was still a problem left, because Lara is not owning all the rights to the photos, so the photographers also had to be asked for permission too. Here then the reactions were unfortunately not so completely positive, because it seemed not enough cash to earn with “fame and honor” (hehe). Only one photographer, Chris Tim, which operates the photography studio from passion and not for monetary reasons wanted to give the green light.
Thus, in the shortly appearing PadGallery we have a few selected photos of Lara Baumann which were taken by Chris Tim to make you happy! Beside these photos you can also see a few made by Lara herself, because she is not only experienced to work in front of a camera. 😉