Since there was not enough time to magae a release for the 4th Advent, we present you today for Christmas Eve a new music album by Ronny Rasmusson for the internal music player of World of PADMAN. It contains a compilation of a total of 11 tracks from different releases of Ronny’s band project Plasmafuse, with which he breaks new ground in the field of electronic ambient music. So don’t expect industrial hard rock á la Dieselkopf here, but rather deeper ambient sounds that need a certain amount of time to develop. With a longer match of World of PADMAN it is worth taking time and turning up the volume a little.
You can now find and download the Plasmafuse music pack on our addon page. Now all we have left is to wish you a Merry Christmas and get off to a good start into the new year 2022. Of course, World of PADMAN will continue and we hope to be able to give you a first preview of the planned version 1.7 very soon. Stay healthy!