For all those who have not yet noticed, also in 2020 we will meet at the PadDays to play World of Padman together. The PadDay was originally created as a weekly event by Aquarius, a dedicated member of the [PAD]community back in the days, after the release of World of Padman as a modification for Quake 3 Arena. It first took place on August 8th, 2004 at 8pm (CET). As things became a bit quieter in the years after the last release of World of Padman, this Sunday tradition slowly fell asleep.
Since January 7, 2018, however, we were able to establish the PadDay again, this time always on the first Sunday of the month from 7pm (CET). In the meantime, a wonderful [PAD]Community has been built up again, so we are happy to find a full server on these days. At the time of the PadMod, it was already considered a great success when 8 to 12 players came on the server. Now there are often more than 16 players, so sometimes the one or other map gets a bit cosy. After we first play a few rounds on our PadWorld server, towards the end of the evening many more players arrive on Hectic’s FunServer or Ben’s server and let the evening end on some community maps. If you want to take part, you should definitely activate the option “auto download ” in the game settings, so that the missing maps and player models can be automatically downloaded while connecting.
We are very happy about this positive development and hope that we can attract more new players to World of Padman in the future. By the way, our next PadDay will take place on February 2nd, 2020 at 7pm (CET). We are looking forward to it. And now have fun with some funny screenshots of the community from the last PadDays. A big thanks to all supporters and participants! We close with a quote from our [PAD]Community forum our member me!:
Thanks to all of you keeping this dream alive, keeping it reality! Thanks for you PADs hosting servers and keeping WoP visible and reachable in the interwebs, porting Q3 maps and still mapping in general! 🙂
So, it was not much more than a feeling before, but now I’m certain: WOP NEVER DIES! Best regards everybody, make 2020 your year, and I will still play WoP in 2030, and I’m sure that there will be others with a ping > 0. 🙂