Finally, the contest has come to an end and the winners have been chosen. We have been surprised, but before we tell you about the winners, we will give you a list of the jury members. The jury was:
- Pudding
- Chaosblubbel
- Haferschleim
- The Brain
- Harmonieman
- Pixelmännchen
A big thank you to all jury members for helping.
First, we will show you the maps that got to the fifth, sixth and seventh place. “Dacharena” by Nasbit, “Kontestmap” by Gubba and “The Match” by Nicklas2751.
Place 7: The “Dacharena” has a World of Padman style colour scheme. Everything is very colourful. The block design is not so good, and the close corridors do not help the gameplay. Sometimes the map reminds of a labyrinth, so it takes a while to know how to get around.
Place 6: The “Kontestmap” is clearly structured, it is just a room with four walls. In the middle is a tower and there is a base on either end of the room, which spans the whole wall. The weapon selection is not big and in every base there is a HealthStation and PadShield, so you are ahead, if you are the one that fragged first. The jump pads are a bit inaccurate so you cannot hide well.
Place 5: “The Match” uses all the weapons (except the imperius) in each of the two bases. You can get into a small room through a tunnel, in which you can fight each other. A door that you shoot to open, is a real spoilsport, like the small room, where you have to fire two balloons so that you and your opponent are eliminated.
Place 4: Congratulations to GLL for fourth place. He gave us a space map, that he called just “1vs1 DM17”. The lights on the stairs give a nice feeling, like The Brain said: “It gives you the feeling that you are an important person”. 😉 The map is really colourful and has a large range of weapons. The map is symmetrical, so there is a base on each side. It may be a bit too colourful and you cannot see the jump pads well. Edges, that prevent one from falling down too easily would be nice as well.
Place 3: Hana-bi got the third place, with a simple marble map. Sadly, the jump pads are difficult to see, but there is lots of detail. The BALLOONY is the primary weapon, that helps to play in small passages, but disturbs the enemy. There is no HealthStation in the upper area, but a PadShield instead. The hiding spots are quite dangerous and often lead to death. The map is well-lit, without any obvious light sources.
The last two contestants had a hard fight. They scored the same points for their look, but one of them dominated in the gameplay. We can congratulate Phobos to the top of the winning stairs, who convinced the jury of his “Döner” map (it’s something to eat in Germany, similar to a wrap.) But before that, we want to tell you about oregano4’s 1v1 map.
Place 2: It is divided into floors. The weapons SPLASHER, BETTY, PUMPER and BALLOONY are all there. The HealthStations are distributed uniformly and there is neither a jump pad, nor a teleporter. In the middle is a tube, filled with water. You can find a BETTY and ammo inside. There are no annoying edges and corners, that could disrupt the gameplay. The PadShield and PadShards are not distributed well, because they are together with a PUMPER and a HealthStation on the upper floor. This makes it easy for the one spawning at the top to win.
Place 1: So, now we come back to the winning map. Phobos was the only one, who built an over-sized map in the style of World of Padman. You are in a kitchen of a Döner (wrap) store. On the floor is a cabinet and a ketchup tube. On the cabinet is the kebab skewer and a lot of vegetables, to fill your wrap with. It is being grilled at the moment. At the top is a shelf with a BUBBLE G, a PadShield and a HealthStation. The other PadShield is in the cabinet on the floor. The fight concentrates on the floor and everyone is searching for the PadShield at the start, so the one who gets both is ahead.
Congrats to every winner. You can download the maps here (link is broken).
Stay cool, keep mapping! 😉