
PadWorld is down!!!

Sorry, but the PADMAN main website is down for a while, because I have really much problems at the moment. πŸ™ All PlanetPadman email addresses are down too, but you can write us (me) to!!! (Translation by Harmonieman)

MavRock by Maverick News

Big news update no. 4

Sorry folks, it took some time to get new PadMod news, so some were worried that we would all be falling asleep here. πŸ˜€ But exactly the opposite is of course the case, because it happens so much in the background that we hardly have time to sit down and to write the news, which […]

Paul Hassett is here

Yes, there is again a new member in the team, which has also been busy working for us for some time now. πŸ˜‰ And once again it is no stranger who has joined the PadMod team, because it is Paul Hassett aka NoSeRider, whose models like FANG or BUG have already been able to delight […] (DE) | 25/04/2002 News

Interview – PadMod also for EF2?

Recently I was invited by JΓΆrg Dubiel aka Deslizer for an interview about PADMAN, the PadMaps and my future plans for the EF scene. This interview was then spontaneously initiated yesterday and it was, as most of me, quite extensive. πŸ˜€ So take your time, make a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy what […]

Skin artist urgently wanted!!!

Phew, it looks really tough at the moment in the 2D area, so we really need one or two skin artists. The main task is to design the weapons and player models. If an experienced skin artist wants to contact us, who would like to work on a larger project in a nice team, we […]

Forums down!!!

Unfortunately, for technical reasons, Magnacus server had to be shut down for a short time. Which means that currently the forums are not available for the time being. πŸ™ I’m sorry, but we hope, of course, that everything will be fine again soon. πŸ˜‰

MonsterPad by tpe News

Big news update no. 3

So, now it is time again for a new news update. After all, there is also a lot to report. πŸ™‚ But first I have to emphasize again, because it is asked again and again, when the first beta will be done? It will take a damn long time, unfortunately! The whole screenshots seem to […]

PadAttic by ENTE News

Awesome – the latest screenshots

You barely believe it, but there are lots of damn cool screenshots that we just want to share with you. πŸ™‚ In addition, we have a new member that joined the lines, which is already busy in the matter. I think today we let the pictures speak first, but it should be noted that these […]


Interview on

Today there is a very detailed interview about the PadMod to read, which recently made the good Slygh with me. πŸ™‚ So if you do not want to know just a little more about the mod and the team behind it, but also like to see a first motive of our new player models, you […]