Whew, ENTE had no internet connection for four weeks, so unfortunately he could not keep the page up-to-date, sorry. But he will see what he can gather for the news in the next few days. Some things have happened, though not as much as he have hoped. 🙁
We will begin with PadKitchen, because ENTE dealt with a few issues there. ENTE was not quite happy with the texturing. How the PadKitchen looks like at the moment is shown in a nice screenshot, which we want to present to you in a slightly higher resolution for a change. Aside from many new textures, there are a few nice and new details he do not want to enumerate now since part of them are not apparent anyway. 😀
We hope you like the new and hopefully final version. 🙂 By the way, more pictures can be found in our PadForum.
(Translation by Thilo)