2004 is gone, and it was a good year! We finally released the PadMod after more than 2 years of development and a bunch of release delays in may 2004. This was a really big step for us, even if we knew that we will not reach as many people as we had hoped, because Q3 was/is nearly dead and only a few of the ‘normal’ fun gamers still have it installed. The team is very proud about the result of the hard work and we will still keep an eye on the mod in 2005 and work on. It would be damn silly to drop this cool mod (and it is really cool 😉 ) out of our heads and put it in the recycle bin.
The only thing we do not know at the moment is how we will keep on working. Make more big updates for Q3, or try to get this one to a stand alone game? Our big hope still is that the source code of Q3 will be released soon, so that we can make a real PadGame. This would be nice, because no one would need Q3 to play and we could reach more gamers. As said before, we will continue work, even if development will be slower. 🙂 So you can expect at least some small updates in the future. So, let us look what will happen in this glory new year.
We want to thank you for your loyalty within the last years. It would be nice if you won’t forget us in 2005. A Happy New Year, stay happy and have a lot of fun!
The PadMod team
(Translation by Harmonieman)