World of Padman has a home address again. The official website is back online and accessible under the domain It is a complete new design respecting the appearance and colours of the old website. It features a full responsive layout, which is a plus for several mobile devices out there and provides multi language support. The works under the hood are not finished yet, so changes and new features will appear for sure.
Due to the server crash back in early 2015 all data was completely lost and all content needed to be recreated from scratch. Nonetheless some of the news postings could be restored and also additional content could be taken from the WoP manual and the editing tutorials. Even though there is still essential content missing and translation works is not completely finished yet, it is our goal to proceed with creating a central place for World of Padman. There is more content coming, which still needs to be reviewed before it can be released. So please stay tuned.
There is probably a chance to receive a backup from old website and forum. With that we would be able to restore more content and revive the old World of Padman forum. Keep fingers crossed!