We hope you survived Christmas somehow and that you are still able to move despite the sumptuous meals and sweets. As already announced in the last news, ENTE had searched diligently in his WoP file archive and we have already found many missing pictures of the year 2002 and put them back on the website. Unfortunately this does not apply to all pictures, because over the long period of about 18 years there are also losses on optical media. In addition, the news also included links to pictures directly from the former picture sections of the website. This caused the images of the maps to be updated in between and thus overwritten several times. As a result, newer images of the maps ended up in older WoP news, which of course does not correspond to the actual development status of the maps at the time of the news posting. These pictures are still missing, as long as no further interim backups can be found.
Nevertheless it is very exciting to see how the PadMod developed in its first year and which maps, models and ideas unfortunately didn’t make it into a release. So we hope you enjoy the many updated pictures of the WoP-News from 2002! 😉