Tadaaa, we’ve got a new member in our team. We’re very happy that he joined us, because he will implement a feature that we all want to have. 😉 His name is Rastaman, who (same as Herby) helped to built the mod Afterwards. There he did the hands and that’s what he’ll do over here at the World of Padman too. Yes, that’s right, we’re getting hands and our models will be able to hold the weapons in the right way. 😉 Welcome in the team Rastaman!
But, we’ve an other info yor you that is not as good as the other one was. GreenThumB left the team becasue of personal reasons. He wanted to finish his map and work on the mod, but he has no time. He quit leaving the mapfile in our hands! So we are able to finish his map, and we’ll do! Thanks to GreenThumB! We all hope that you take a look at the PadMod and that you are successful in everything that you do now.
(Translation by Harmonieman)