Hey guys, it looks like we didn’t make it in the top 100 nominees for IndieDB’s Indie of the Year Awards for 2011. The competition is big these days and today INtense!, founder of ModDB, told us that we are ranked on place 101 and only one vote was missing to get in the top 100 indie games. Imagine that!
World of Padman and ModDB/IndieDB have a long history together. Let’s have a look:
- 2002 – PadMod (in development) receives ModDB’s Creativity Award
- 2004 – PadMod is nominated in the top 100 list of MotY awards
- 2004 – PadMod receives the ModDB’s Visual Delight award
- 2006 – PadMod is nominated in the top 100 list of MotY awards
- 2006 – PadMod gets honourable mentioned in categories Visuals and Upcoming stand alone in the Editor’s Choice showcase
- 2007 – World of Padman is nominated in the top 100 list of MotY awards
- 2007 – World of Padman makes it as number 4th top indie game of the year
- 2010 – World of Padman is nominated in the top 100 list of IGotY awards
We know that our player base is shrinking and the WoP 1.5 release couldn’t stop this development. Sometimes we fear to get buried by history but as long as someone is playing the game out there, we are here solid as a rock. There is still a handful of people developing this game, adding new features, new content and improving the game play. So we will do with the upcoming WoP 1.6 release. Its just a matter of days. We are developing it but you are making the game! Maybe next year your vote makes the difference.