Already in April of this year, we kindly received permission from COMPUTEC MEDIA GmbH to make articles about World of Padman from the German computer games magazines PC Action and PC Games Hardware available on our media coverage page. While the below listed issues of 2008 and 2007 are exclusively about the release of World of Padman as a stand alone game at that time, the very worth reading article of Benjamin Boerner in the 2001 issue of PC Action is about the community and ENTE’s PadMaps for Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force. The PC Action was published from 1996 to 2012.
Special: Top games for free – World of Padman Published in PC Games Hardware (DE)…
Free Game of the Month! World of Padman Published in PC Action (DE) | July…
Feature about ENTE’s PadGallery for Elite Force Published in PC Action (DE) | January 2001…