Indie of the Year Awards 2020

Indie of the Year Awards 2019

“By the way, the same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?”

“The same procedure as every year James!”

(Dinner for One)

IndieDB is launching its annual Indie of the Year Awards for the eleventh time today. The host remains true to its concept and you have until December 10th to vote World of Padman into the Top 100 Indie Games of the year 2020. A good opportunity to remind the people out there of our game. Just go to our IndieDB profile page and click the vote button. You can win some games from the #modlove collection again this year, as long as you are part of the IndieDB community yourself. Therefore you should be logged in to your IndieDB account and vote.

The list of the Top 100 Indie Games will then be published again on December 11th, followed by another 10 days in which the Indie Game of the year 2020 will be determined. In the last two years we had made it back into the list. Will it be the same again in 2020? We count on you!

Image sources

  • Indie of the Year Awards 2019: IndieDB