More magazine articles

After the World of Padman was featured in some German magazines like GameStar, PC Action, Bravo ScreenFun, GEE and Linux Intern, but WoP also get reviewed in magazines of other countries as well.

PC Zone (UK) | 07/2007

PC Zone (UK) | 07/2007

First of all the PC Zone UK writes about Padman:

“We are guessing he is some famous figure in German culture, up there with David Hasselhoff, but you might remember him from a couple of old Quake III maps.”

He he, we were tickled pink … 🙂

PC-Gameplay (BE) | 06/2007

PC-Gameplay (BE) | 06/2007

The Belgian/Dutch PC Gameplay” wrote about WoP:

“In tegenstelling tot wat je zou denken is het geen verre neef van pillenjunkie PacMan, maar een stripfiguurtje greëerd door striptekenaar ENTE.”

We really do not know what this means, but “pillenjunkie PacMan” sounds cool … hehe.

PC Gamer (UK) | 07/2007

PC Gamer (UK) | 07/2007

The third magazine writing about WoP is the PC Gamer (UK):

“There’s no single player option as yet but, as with Quake III, you can create a bot-filled server if you want to practice alone before braving the wilds of the internet.”