By popular request, the good Raptaker has now changed the order of the maps on the “Battle Server”. In addition, a new map was added, without you can not play tonight! This map is the long awaited PadLibrary, which is not yet officially released. Whether it is the final version will be revealed in the next few days. 😉
So please download the PadLibrary (29 MB) BEFORE!!! The little wop_04.pk3 included with the map is not the new WoP-Update02. It only contains one important script needed for the PadLibrary. In addition, you get a bit better resolved fonts and a few vertex problems in the game mode Big Balloon have been fixed.
If the map cycle does not work properly, please briefly write the error/s in the comments. Raptaker will then try to fix everything as fast as possible. Please be sure to mention the map where it breaks.