The Picture of the Week is back

Pic of the Week 2019 #20

It is back, the Picture of the Week, which we were always featuring on the World of Padman website back in the days. It was gone for a damn long time but now you are able again to provide your WoP pictures. It doesn’t matter if it is a screenshot from within the game or a handmade drawing or sketch. On Monday this week #20 of 2019 we already started with a nice screenshot from our good old friend Phobos. It looks like he is working on something, guess what?

Apart from that we think a Picture of a Week is not enough! So we also present a Video of the Month. If Adri{HuN} continuous creating those incredible Padday videos, it will always be occupied by her videos, we fear. But don’t hesitate to inform us about your videos. Maybe she will leave us some space somewhere in between. 😉

To send in your Picture of the Week (min. 1280 x 720 pixels, 72 dpi) you can head over to the [PAD]Community forum to post/upload it there, or you drop us a line via To provide a Video of the Month we prefer to link simply to your YouTube channel. It is most easy for us. If you are not using YouTube, you can also use other platforms or simply upload your media to the [PAD]Community page on ModDB (click below)!

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Image sources

  • Pic of the Week 2019 #20: Phobos