Even then, the unique game types Spray Your Color, Big Balloon and Last Pad Standing appeared with the PadMod, which were then supplemented by Capture The Lolly with the release of WoP 1.5 – The Colorful Evolution . Some of these game types obviously took their inspiration from some of the classics of the shooter genre and were adapted accordingly for World of Padman. As we continue to develop our game, we will try to offer you more variety in the future. We have therefore created a poll on the welcome page of our website, in which you can vote for a selection of possible game types, which we would like to briefly outline below.
Freeze Tag – As already announced, the game type known from the XMAS mod will be an integral part of WoP 1.7, including the icy weapon effects. The game principle should also already be known: two teams compete against each other and try to freeze one another by firing at each other. The highlight is that the players of a team can thaw each other out. The team whose players are completely frozen loses. The game is played in several rounds.
One Lolly CTL – One Lolly CTL – This game type, known from Team Arena, is a special version of Capture The Lolly, except that there is also a neutral green lolly in the center of a CTL map. Each team has to collect the green lolly, bring it to the opponent’s base, and deliver it to the red or blue lolly. Depending on which of the two teams gets to the green lolly faster, one automatically becomes the attacker, while the other team must now defend its base.
Portal Strike – This game type is based on Threewave’s Capture Strike and can be played on selected CTL and BB maps. Here, teams take turns fighting on offense or defense until one team is eliminated or the attacking team is able to enter the portal in the defending team’s base. Each team is attacker and defender once per round. All players spawn at the very beginning with all weapons and a supply of ammunition. As with Last Pad Standing, there are no pick-up items and no health stations. Retiring players become Spectators and must wait until one of the teams has won or lost.
Catch The Killerduck – This game type is based on Catch or Chase The Chicken and can be played on all FFA maps. All players are invulnerable except for the one who is randomly turned into a Killerduck. His task is to dodge the attacks of the other players and survive as long as possible. The longer he survives, the more points he gets. As his only defense, he can leave puddles of oil from time to time for the attackers to slide around on. The attackers may also be able to use only the PUNCHY to attack. If you are tired of running around as a Killerduck, you can blow yourself up.
Tournament – This is the duel mode known from Quake 3 Arena, in which only two players at a time compete against each other, while the future opponents watch as spectators. This is available in World of Padman but not fully implemented and therefore not included in the menu. We’ll have to check here what is still missing.
While Freeze Tag is already mostly implemented in the current development version of WoP and in principle already playable, One Lolly CTL and Tournament are quite quickly implementable, since we can fall back here on existing source code from Quake 3 Arena and the addon Team Arena. Therefore, there is already a One Lolly CTL PR on Github, in which the basic functionality is already implemented, but the WoP maps still need to be adapted for this. Portal Strike and Catch The Killerduck, however, would have to be implemented from scratch, although there are already templates in the form of mods for Quake 3 Arena. However, it is not yet clear whether the source code for these is available.
Nevertheless, please use the opportunity to vote and choose your favorites. Your WoP team
What game types would you like to see in future WoP releases?
- Freeze Tag (26%, 61 Votes)
- Catch The Killerduck (25%, 58 Votes)
- Portal Strike (19%, 44 Votes)
- Tournament (16%, 37 Votes)
- One Lolly CTL (15%, 36 Votes)
Total Voters: 129