More magazine articles

After the World of Padman was featured in some German magazines like GameStar, PC Action, Bravo ScreenFun, GEE and Linux Intern, but WoP also get reviewed in magazines of other countries as well. First of all the PC Zone UK writes about Padman: “We are guessing he is some famous figure in German culture, up […]

PadCrash by ENTE News

PadCrash – the color shock

The third map of the soon to be released map pack will be the colorful PadCrash. With this map ENTE wanted to take a totally different approach. It was supposed to differ noticeably from his previous maps. While his other maps focused mainly on the visuals, PadCrash was created with game play in mind. Thus […]

Lara Baumann in PadGallery News

Lara Baumann – the new face

Players of the old PadGallery know that it had a few pretty pictures, which melted that hearts of men. Like it was in the last version of the sweet Jennifer Love Hewitt, which inspired ENTE to devote her a whole area of the map. However, as World of Padman is now a stand-alone game, some […]

PC Action (DE) | 07/2007 News

WoP rules!

It is simply hard to be believed, but again, we may mention here. Three more German magazines have reported on WoP. Two of them put WoP on the cover DVD and mentioned it on the cover page. 😉 The first magazine is be PC Action, where one writes among other things: “World Of Padman rises […]

More reviews and mirrors

Here we present you two new reviews. On the one hand the really nice review (link is broken) of the German Site ciao.de and on the other hand we have the review of the Italian Site punto-informatico.it. We hope that this review is a positive one because there is nobody in the team who can […]

WoP Service News

One bug squished!

Maybe you already read on the English forum threads, that there is a bug when you want to add bots to a WoP session. It causes a segmentation fault and restarts inexplicably on 64 bit Linux machines. It took Thilo a few hours, but after a lot of debugging he got to the heart of […]

MonsterHawk by Gogitason News

Gogitason presents MonsterHawk

Gogitason presents MonsterHawk, an alternative skin for the MonsterPad player model. Inspired by the Thunder Hawk character of the Street Fighter game series. Gogitason started working hard on this really nice and detailed looking skin shortly after the stand alone was released. In contrast to the default skin MonsterHawk has no nail in the head […]

Fan movie by Cyrri and Spawnsen

Not so long ago Cyrri and Spawnsen made a small fan movie about World of Padman. This movie demonstrates the two game types Spray Your Color and Big Balloon with lots of in game action for new gamers to watch and learn. So that all of this hard work does not go to waste, we […]

PadGallery by ENTE News

PadGallery – the first screenshots

As we already mentioned, ENTE has been working on a new edition of the PadPack for World of Padman. This package contains three maps, which are not in the Lilliput style. They where originally released for Quake 3 Arena and the old PadMod also for Quake 3 Arena. Some of you may remember these maps. […]